Thursday, April 17, 2008

Backgammon Masters Applies for Guinness Gamer World Record in Farthest Backgammon Dice Toss.

In the world of online backgammon there is a lot of excitement as the latest news that has hit is that a Backgammon Master's online game operator is applying for a place in the Guinnes book of record. This hails as a good advert for the online backgammon arena in general and hopefully the success will bring out the prowess the game has to offer.
Whatever game of chance you enjoy, whether it be a game of poker or blackjack to see two dice rolling out from a helicopter is going to get the adrenalin kicking in quite high.
There will be a great tournament held to host this great event where two players will be playing on a huge playing field once the dice roll out of the helicopter and from this moment on backgammon online will never be the same. Many famous persons of note will be present and also the Guinness book of world records will be there to record this event where tickets will also be available for avi
d poker players, backgammon followers and just laypersons to enjoy and watch this unusual feat. The proceeds from the sale of the tickets will also be going to charity which means many good people will benefit through this mentally challenging sport.

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