Monday, March 19, 2007

Great New Program I Joined

Hello to all

Well for my loyal readers and all my new readers something excited has happened to me today. As most of you know I love writing. It is my passion but lets be realistic at the end of the day its nice to see some dollars signs along with your hard work. Well I found another tool to ad to my arsenal. It is called blogvertise.
How it works is simply put you gegister your blog with You then have to wait for an approval process but once approved you will start getting assignments that they pay for. The pay starts at 4 bucks and gets way higher than that. I have emailed blogvertize to see if I can list more than one blog and hopefully I will get an answer soon. So for now I am sitting on pins and needles waiting to see if i get approved or not so remember if this is something you think you can do just go to and sign up.

1 comment:

Daisy said...

Have you heard anything from them yet? I'd like to know how you're doing with it, whether it's worth the time. Thanks.